Halloween Wonder Addon Pack replaces many of the blocks & items in the game. It is intended to be used with the main OrdinaryWonders pack. It can also be used with your own favorite pack.
I create these packs for fun and I never seem to be caught up with the newest textures due to a full life of family, friends and work. However, I enjoy working on it and making updates and try to keep versions current to the latest Minecraft version release.
As of 2024, OW has been around for 10 years and hopefully for 10 more. If you'd like to contribute to any of the packs, I am open to collaboration. Just message me on Discord. ~EternityMine
•updated the ReadMe file
•updated the copyright
•updated to current versions
•updated the pack.png
•added books
•updated the pack.png
•updated the ReadMe file
•added/updated bamboo textures - gave the bamboo plant and green bamboo block it's ghost variant (white with inverted textures). This replaces the previous black Bam-boo. All other bamboo blocks/textures remain true to vanilla colors.
•updated the ReadMe fileed all cherry and petal textures
•added all mangrove textures
•added some new splashes
•added azalea textures
•updated en_us.json
•removed purple spruce and updated to normal spruce color and autumn leaves with pinecones and added missing textures
•removed purple composter and barrel and updated to regular spruce color
•updated/added oak textures
•updated and added missing dark "spooky" oak textures
•updated jungle textures from green to the normal jungle color and added missing jungle textures
•updated bone rails
•updated the pack to work in 1.20.2
•updated the pack.png
•updated the pack to work in 1.19
•updated the pack png.
•updated the pack to work in 1.18+
•added more splashes
•updated even more .json files to make it even more compatable with other resource packs.
•updated the .json files to make the pack compatable with other texture and resource packs (especially Monsterly).
•added more corals to complete the set
•added and updated soul and regular lanterns and the chain texture
•added and updated the soul and regular torches
•updated and added particles
•updated the ReadMe file
•added campfire items
•updated pack.png
•added lily pad and variations
•updated the pack to work in 1.17+
•updated the Readme file
•updated the pack.png
•updated the lang file
•updated the pumpkin and melon and related textures
•added pumpkin pie
•added crops
•added hay bales
•added several mobs including zombies, wither, zombie villager base skin,
illagers, and spiders among others.
•added soul sand and soul soil
•added soul lantern and torch
•added campfire
•updated splashes
•added creeper
•updated splashes
•fixed boat items
•updated pumpkin model
•added podzol
•updated spruce leaves
•added crimson and warped textures
•made two packs one that will work in 1.16, 1.16.1 and another that will work in 1.16.2+
•added dead bushes
•updated the pack to work in v1.16
•added white glazed terracotta "skull" texture
•updated moon
•updated Terms of Use and License
•updated the ReadMe file
•added terracotta and glazed terracotta
•updated pack for 1.15
•updated Terms of Use and License
•udated the ReadMe file
•added terracotta and glazed terracotta
•fixed plank slabs and stairs
•fixed the bug with the sand texture
•updated trees with more fun textures (apple: formerly known as birch, purple spruce, dark oak leaves now watch you! fall acacia, fall oak, thorny jungle)
•added bam-boo
•added "green" and "orange" mushrooms
•added a dk purple mycelium
•changed the language file quite a bit
•updated cows
•added redstone dust dot
•updated panoramas
•updated mooshroom
•added orange beacon
•boney dirt randomized textures
•creeper moon
•tombstones in swamp biome (blue orchid overlay)
•added spooky bookshelves with variations
•added green lantern and lantern item
•added wormy apple (normal, golden & enchanted) and updated the lang file to reflect this.
•added black chicken
•ghost shaped clouds added
•added ghostly smoke particles
•added black cats (all varieties)
•added vampire bat
•added vampire bunnies (all varieties)
•added item frame remove sounds
•added pumpkin-head skeletons (all varieties)
•added "franken-signs"
•added mummy ghast
•added bone ladder
•added bone rails
•added iron bars
•added minecart
•added sga particles
•added rusty "cleavers" (swords) and wooden club (wooden sword)
•added pig and cow with masks
•change lang file - a lot
•made spider eye "eye of spider"
•added some flowers
•added planks and plank variations and related textures (including black for dk oak, orange for acacia, and green for jungle and purple for birch to make it "Halloweeny")
•added tree textures (logs, leaves, etc)
•added sand textures
•added beds
•added cobweb and variants
•added panoramas
•added pack ping
-You may edit, use and share any OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files in your own vanilla, bedrock or modded version as long credit is clearly given to EternityMine and a link to the OrdinaryWonders website is provided.
-You're encouraged to use OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files found on this site in any screenshots or videos you like and are free to monetize your videos as long as you put a link to www.ordinarywonders.net in the video description.
-You're free to modify OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files found on this site for your own use and you're allowed to give your own modified versions to close friends, but you may not redistribute modified versions on a public forum, server or website.
-You may use OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files, in part or in whole, on your server. You can host them yourself on a public or private server for Multiplayer gaming or your members may obtain the resource packs from www.ordinarywonders.net only.
-Adventure map makers can freely modify OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files to match their map style and can provide a modified copy to go along with their map as long as you put a link back to www.ordinarywonders.net with your map.
-You may use OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files on a commercial server (free to play with paid extras or a pay to play server).
NOTE: If you're making money from using this or any OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files, I would strongly encourage you to join my Patreon to support EternityMine and the OrdinaryWonders Brand.
-You're not allowed to use OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files in a customizer or in any other games other than Minecraft.
-You may never post a link to OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files behind adf.ly or any other for-profit service that is misleading to others. I dislike them as it difficult to discern what is safe to click on and what is not.
-You will never post these OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files on any other website. This site is the only authorized download location. No hot linking any of the OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files for downloads or uploading them elsewhere to distribute.
NOTE: These rules are subject to change at any time and apply to both past and current versions of OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files.
-You will only find the latest releases of OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files on OrdinaryWonders.net and PlanetMinecraft.com
-I do post OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files on PlanetMinecraft, Most but not all links lead directly to the OrdinaryWonders website.
-If you've downloaded it from somewhere else, then it's probably out of date, may have bugs, or may have been modified or contain maleware.
-Be safe and courteous and only download from the OrdinaryWonders official website.
NOTE: If you want someone to download any OrdinaryWonders brand worlds, packs or files, please point them to the corresponding page (not the download link) on OrdinaryWonders.net.
Copyright© OrdinaryWonders.net, EternityMine 2014-2024 All Rights Reserved